Alfred Lang

University of Bern, Switzerland

Course / Conference Material 1998


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 Last revised 98.10.24

A Norfa Graduate Course/Summer School In The Field Of Activity Theory For The Nordic-baltic Region, Tartu, May 9-15, 1998

© 1998 by Alfred Lang

Scientific and educational use permitted

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Organized by the Center for Activity Theory and Developmental Work Research (at the University of Helsinki), Prof. Yrjö Engeström of the Finnish Academy and the University of California at San Diego, Department of Communication. Information availabl: Heidi.Arling@Helsinki.Fi

The course is meant for advanced graduate students working on culturally-historically -inspired dissertations; there will be approximately five of them from each Nordic and Baltic country. The idea is that on each day, half of the day is devoted to the work of an invited senior scholar, the rest to presentations by graduate students. See Programm below.


Content of the contribution and reading list by Alfred Lang, Univ. Bern

(Intro) Some remarks on evolution, in particular the intertwinings of the biotic, individual, and cultural evolutions, and ideas on how to conceive of

(a) a presentation of our dwelling research, some methodical aspect and some essential results

(b) sketch of a specter of theoretical approaches from need theory, learning theory, action theory, cultural-historical approach (Vygotsky), and field theory (Lewin) in view of attempts to conceive of what happens with people in their places with their things. I would like to place emphasis on a comparative philosophy of science and methodological level and propose arguments for the necessity of a semiotic approach

(c) a presentation of the essentials of semiotic ecology and its potential for culture-inclusive psychology

Look for the extensive abstract and presentation outline: 1998_cupsysemeco_tartu.html New 98.04.23


Reading List

priority items marked *
papers in html-format for inspection or downloading; 
items in English marked $, with abstract in English marked ¢

On general evolution, on action, etc.

Lang, Alfred (1988) Die kopernikanische Wende steht in der Psychologie noch aus! - Hinweise auf eine ökologische Entwicklungspsychologie. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie 47 (2/3) 93-108.¢

Lang, Alfred (1998_94) Menschen als Schöpfer und Geschöpfe ihrer Welt der Kultur -- Herders evolutiv-dialogisches Menschenbild. Bern, 2.11.94. Typoscr. Ms. 22 Pp.To be published in Pross, W. (Ed.).

Lang, Alfred (1993) Handeln als Anbieten -- Lesehilfe zur semiotischen Ökologie. Mit Bibliographie. Bern 4 Pp.

Lang, Alfred (1998 (in press)) Transactionalism -- what could it be? (Comment). Pp. 251-259 in: Dietmar Görlitz; Hans-Joachim Harloff; Günter Mey & Jaan Valsiner (Eds.) Children, cities, and psychological theories. Berlin, DeGruyter. $


On the dwelling activity

Lang, Alfred; Bühlmann, Kilian & Oberli, Eric (1987) Gemeinschaft und Vereinsamung im strukturierten Raum: psychologische Architekturkritik am Beispiel Altersheim. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie 46 (3/4) 277-289. ¢

Lang, Alfred (1988) Das Ökosystem Wohnen - Familie und Wohnung. Pp. 252-265 in: Lüscher K.; F. Schultheis & M. Wehrspaun (Eds.) Die 'postmoderne' Familie: familiale Strategien und Familienpolitik in einer Übergangszeit. Konstanz, Universitätsverlag. ¢

Lang, Alfred (1990) Bauen und Wohnen psychologisch zu verstehen: drei theoretische Perspektiven. DGfPs. Kiel, 25.9.90. Pp. 401-402 in: Dieter Frey (Ed.) Bericht über den 37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie in Kiel 1990. Göttingen, Hogrefe.

* Lang, Alfred (1992) On the knowledge in things and places. Pp. 76-83 in: Mario von Cranach; Willem Doise & Gabriel Mugny (Eds.) Social representations and the social basis of knowledge. Swiss Monographs in Psychology Vol. 1. Bern, Huber. $

Lang, Alfred & Studer, Hubert (1993) Warum wohnen wir eigentlich? -- Zur Psychologie von Bauen und Wohnen. Psychoscope ( 14 Nr. 9 vom November 1993. 13-16 Pp. ¢

Gruppe Umwelt- und Kulturpsychologie Bern -- Daniel Slongo, Marianne Schär Moser, Sabine Schläppi Schreiber, Chantal Billaud und Alfred Lang (1998) Wohnen -- eine kulturpsychologische Perspektive. Ausführlicher Beitragsplan zur Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie: "Felder kulturpsychologischen Forschens", Erlangen, Mai 1998.

Slongo, Daniel; Schär Moser, Marianne; Richner, Margrit; Billaud, Chantal; Schläppi Schreiber, Sabineet al. (1995) Über die Regulation psycho-sozialer Systeme durch architektonische und alltagsdingliche Kultur - Ansatz, Methodik und erste Ergebnisse deskriptiver Wohnpsychologie. Forschungsberichte, 95-02, Bern, Institut für Psychologie der Universität Bern. 181 Pp.

Slongo, Daniel; Schär Moser, Marianne; Billaud, Chantal; Schläppi Schreiber, Sabine & Lang, Alfred (1996) Über die Regulation psycho-sozialer Systeme durch architektonische und alltagsdingliche Kultur (II) - Weitere Ergebnisse deskriptiver Wohnpsychologie. Forschungsberichte, 96-01, Bern, Institut für Psychologie der Universität Bern. 222 Pp.


On conceptual approaches

Lang, Alfred (1990) Was ich von Kurt Lewin gelernt habe. Pp. 121-135 in: K. Grawe; R. Hänni; N. Semmer & F. Tschan (Eds.) Über die richtige Art, Psychologie zu betreiben. Göttingen, Hogrefe.

Lang, Alfred (1992) Die Frage nach den psychologischen Genesereihen -- Kurt Lewins grosse Herausforderung. Pp. 39-68 in: Wolfgang Schönpflug (Ed.) Kurt Lewin -- Person, Werk, Umfeld: historische Rekonstruktion und Interpretation aus Anlass seines hundersten Geburtstages. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Psychologie Bd. 5. Frankfurt a.M., Peter Lang. ¢

*Lang, Alfred (1994) Lewin [and Vygotsky] -- the radical and promising metatheorists. Ann Arbor, 9.9.94. Typoscr. 8 Pp. 6th International Kurt Lewin Conference, Ann Arbor Mich. 1994.[Vygotsky part still missing] $ (summarizes essential of the Genesereihen paper)

*Lang, Alfred (1993) The "concrete mind" heuristic -- human identity and social compound from things and buildings. Pp. 249-266 in: Dieter Steiner & Markus Nauser (Eds.) Human ecology: fragments of anti-fragmentary views of the world. London, Routledge.$

Lang, Alfred (1994) Auch diese Variante von Psychologie hat wohl nicht "gezündet". Hamburg, 29.9.94. Typoscr. 4 Pp.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (Ed.) 39. Kongress der DGP.

Lang, Alfred (1993) Handeln als Anbieten -- Lesehilfe zur semiotischen Ökologie. Bern 4 Pp.


On semiotic ecology

Lang, Alfred (1992) Semiotic tools for an isomorphic conception of perception and action, mind and culture. XXV. International Congress of Psychology, International Union of Psychological Science. Brussels, 19.7.92 Typoscr. 2 Pp. $

Lang, Alfred (1993) Zeichen nach innen, Zeichen nach aussen -- eine semiotisch-ökologische Psychologie als Kulturwissenschaft. Pp. 55-84 in: Peter Rusterholz & Maja Svilar (Eds.) Welt der Zeichen -- Welt der Wirklichkeit. Berner Universitätsschriften. Bern, Paul Haupt. ¢

*Lang, Alfred (1994) Lewin [and Vygotsky] -- the radical and promising metatheorists. Ann Arbor, 9.9.94. Typoscr. 8 Pp. 6th International Kurt Lewin Conference, Ann Arbor Mich. 1994.[Vygotsky part still missing] $

*Lang, Alfred (1994) Toward a mutual interplay between psychology and semiotics. Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching 19 (1) 45-66. $

*Lang, Alfred (1997) Thinking rich as well as simple: Boesch's cultural psychology in semiotic perspective. Culture & Psychology 3 (3) 383-394. $

*Lang, Alfred (1997) Non-Cartesian artefacts in dwelling activities -- steps towards a semiotic ecology (Reprint of article 1993). Pp. 185-202 in: Michael Cole; Yrjö Engeström & Olga Vasquez (Eds.) Mind, Culture, Activity -- Seminal papers from the laboratory of compartive human cognition. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press. $

*Lang, Alfred (1998-93) Das Semion als Baustein und Bindekraft -- Zeit aus semiosischen Strukturen und Prozessen. Pp. 73-116 in: Ernest W.B. Hess-Lüttisch & Brigitte Schlieben-Lange (Eds.) Signs & Time -- Zeit & Zeichen. Kodikas/Code Supplement 24. Tübingen, Narr. ¢


On culture-inclusive psychology

*Lang, Alfred (1992) Kultur als 'externe Seele' -- eine semiotisch-ökologische Perspektive. Pp. 9-30 in: Christian Allesch; Elfriede Billmann-Mahecha & Alfred Lang (Eds.) Psychologische Aspekte des kulturellen Wandels. Wien, Verlag des Verbandes der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs. ¢

Lang, Alfred (1994) ... die sich ihre Umwelt selber schaffen -- historische und aktuelle Ansätze einer kulturbezogenen Psychologie. Abstracts, 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pychologie, Kurt Pawlik. Hamburg, 29.9.94. Typoscr. 418-419 Pp.Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (Ed.) 39. Kongress der DGP. Hamburg, Psychologisches Institut der Universität.

Lang, Alfred (1998_94) Menschen als Schöpfer und Geschöpfe ihrer Welt der Kultur -- Herders evolutiv-dialogisches Menschenbild. Bern, 2.11.94. Typoscr. Ms. 22 Pp.Collegium Generale Universität Bern (Ed.) Kulturhistorische Vorlesungsreihe über Herder und die Entstehung der modernen Wissenschaften vom Menschen.

Lang, Alfred (1994f.) Gedanken zu einem Tätigkeitsprogramm der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie (Teil I + II). Kulturpsychologie Rundbrief 5 (1) + 6 (1), Pp. 2-7 + 3-9 @CuPsy @SciPol

*Gruppe Umwelt- und Kulturpsychologie Bern -- Daniel Slongo, Marianne Schär Moser, Sabine Schläppi Schreiber, Chantal Billaud und Alfred Lang (1998) Wohnen - eine kulturpsychologische Perspektive. Ausführlicher Beitragsplan zur Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie: "Felder kulturpsychologischen Forschens", Erlangen, Mai 1998.

Lang, Alfred (1997) Denkmäler als Steine zum Anstossen -- Zur Entwicklung sozio-kultureller Systeme. Pp. 57-77 in: Volker Hoffmann (Ed.) Denkmalpflege heute. Bern, Peter Lang.


PROGRAM (as of End of January, kindly supplied by the organziers)

Saturday, May 9, 1998 9:00 Opening of the course. Rector Peeter Tulviste (University of Tartu) 9:20 Presentation of the course program. Academy Professor Yrjö Engeström (The Academy of >Finland and University of California,San Diego) 9:30 Activity theory and cricitical psychology. Professor Charles Tolman (University of Victoria) 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Three doctoral student presentations 15:30 Coffee 16:00 Four doctoral student presentations 18:00 Dinner and welcome party for the participants

Sunday, May 10, 1998 9:00 Semiotic ecology and cultural psychology. Professor Alfred Lang (University of Bern) 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Guided walk on the university campus and in the city center of Tartu 14:00 Three doctoral student presentations 15:30 Coffee 16:00 Four doctoral student presentations 18:30 Dinner

Monday, May 11, 1998 9:00 TOPIC OPEN. Professor Uffe Juul Jensen (University of Aarhus) 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Three doctoral student presentations 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Four doctoral student presentations 18:00 Dinner

Tuesday, May 12, 1998 8:30 Ways of thinking and kinds of activity. Professor, Rector Peeter Tulviste (University of Tartu) 10:30 Ways of talking and kinds of activity. Professor Tiia Tulviste (University of Tartu) 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Three doctoral student presentations 15:00 Coffee 15:30 Four doctoral student presentations 18:00 Dinner

Wednesday, May 13, 1998 8:30 Appropriation of voice. Cultural differences in parental narratives about young children's discursive participation in everyday life. Associate Professor Vibeke Grøver Aukrust (University of Oslo) 10:30 TOPIC OPEN. Professor Roger Säljö (University of Gothenburg) 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Excursion to Estonian countryside (including snacks and dinner)

Thursday, May 14, 1998 8:30 Expansive learning and the study of transformations in work activity. Academy Professor Yrjö Engeström (The Academy of Finland and University of California, San Diego) 10:30 Networks of activity systems and the study of innovations. Associate Professor Reijo Miettinen (University of Helsinki) 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Three doctoral student presentations 15:30 Coffee 16:00 Four doctoral student presentations 18:30 Dinner and farewell party

Friday, May 15, 1998 9:00 Kulturhistorisches Paradigma: Einheit von Theorie und Methodologie. Associate Professor Gediminas Merkys 10:30 TOPIC OPEN. Professor James V. Wertsch. 11:30 Lunch 13:00 Three doctoral student presentations 14:30 Coffee and final discussion 15:30 Closing of the course

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The doctoral students are required to submit a written summary of their presentation (3 to 5 pages). Copies of the summaries are distributed to the participants. Each doctoral student is allotted 30 minutes; the doctoral students are asked to use about half of the time for their presentation and to reserve half of it for comments and discussion.

On each day, two of the senior scholars act as lead commentators to the doctoral student presentations. The other senior scholars will also comment on the student presentations.

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