Alfred Lang

University of Berne, Switzerland

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@CuPsyHist -- Historical Contributions to Cultural Psych

@CuPsyHist -- Historische Beiträge zur Kulturpsychologie

(5) Lang, Alfred (1998 im Druck) Menschen als Schöpfer und Geschöpfe ihrer Welt der Kultur -- Herders evolutiv-dialogisches Menschenbild. In: Wolfgang Pross & Rupert Moser (Eds.) Johann Gottfried Herder und die Entstehung der modernen Wissenschaften vom Menschen. Bern, Haupt. Pp. xxx-xxx.

@CuPsyBas @CuPsyHist @SciHist 1998_02

(4) Lang, Alfred (1996) Wegbereiter einer anderen Psychologie: Ernst E. Boesch zum achtzigsten Geburtstag. Der kleine Bund 147. Jahrgang, Nr.299 vom 21.12.96. (Bern) Vol. Nr. vom Pp.

@CuPsyHist @PsyHist 1996_03

(3) Lang, Alfred (1996) Pioniere kulturpsychologischen Denkens. (Unterlagen für die Referenten der Tagung der Gesellschaft für Kulturpsychologie, 16.--19. Mai 1996 in Tramelan (Schweiz).) Bern, Institut für Psychologie. 8 Pp.

@CuPsyHist @SciHist 1996_01

A working paper written for and discussed/improved in a continuing Seminar from 1994 to 1996 for the purpose of guiding speakers/authors of possible contributions to the planned conference on "Pionieers of Cultural Psychological Thinking" finally held in May 1996 in Tramelan. The paper states the principal objectives of the framing project as the reconstruction of the "second" stream of scientific tradition where matters pychological are intrinsically connected with the cultural system. The bulk of the paper consists of a matrix of questions thought to be useful in coordinating the authoring of contributions about the various pionieers. The questions range from the (1) biographical to the (10) methodological. They ask (2) about the pioneers' understanding of the idea of culture and (3) about his vision of the role of the individual in the cultural system, including (4) their conception of the ecological system and the place the person, the group, the physical, and the symbolical within it. In addition the pioneers' conceptions of (5) evolution, (6) the psychological functions proper, (7) the relationship between the biotic, individual and cultural change, (8) their notion of causation, and (9) their typical fields of research are requsted. The paper closes with a provisional list of some 40 potential culture oriented thinkers starting with Herder in the later 18th towards the middle of the 20th century.

(2 Lang, Alfred (1994) ... die sich ihre Umwelt selber schaffen -- historische und aktuelle Ansätze einer kulturbezogenen Psychologie. (Anmeldung eines Positionsreferats; Forschungsreferat gehalten über ein Beispiel einer konkreten Handlung und das anthropologische Denken J.G. Herders.) Forschungsreferat, Hamburg, 29.9.94. 39 am Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGP) in Hamburg. Pp. 418-419 in: Kurt Pawlik (1994) Abstracts, 39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pychologie. Hamburg: Psychologisches Institut der Universität.

@CuPsyBas @CuPsyEx @CuPsyHist @SciHist 1994_05

(1) Cole, Michael; Lang, Alfred & Raeithel, Arne et al. (1992) Acting in Culture: Creating a Practically useful Cultural Psychology. (Research Proposal.) Reports from the Group Environmental and Cultural Psychology. Bern, Univ. Bern, Psychologisches Institut. 11 Pp.

@CuPsyBas @CuPsyHist CuPsyEx @Act 1992_08

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