  | 2007.08.19 End of old Overview Matrix
  | Finally it has become a Must. The nine years old original Overview of my Site is lacking so much newer stuff and has to quit the scene. I have to rearrange my stuff and clean out the site. Also, my primary interest is definitely no longer psychology, but rather Semiotic Ecology which I had started in 1990. Although I leave much of the older stuff in the site, its main purpose is to represent my thinking about science and our understanding of the human condition. In a way, this also contains psychology, another, a much broader "psychology".
  | The year 2004 has hindered me with illness and other events. But now I was able to revise my site with a much more elaborated navigation outline and will soon be able renounce the old overview matrix with which I had started the site early in 1998. Also the first few chapters of the Semiotic Ecology Essay are no on the web.
  | 2003.12.24 Delay in Establishing Site Functions
  | All users of the new Navigation are asked to pardon the delay in the functioning of the new navigation. Most specific links are not yet working and there are only very few pages renewed so far. This is mainly due to problems in getting the new table working. It is basic to all pages and it makes no sense to use it with errors in more than a few test pages, because later on I would have to amend them each by time-consuming hand work. The faulty links are due to strange behavior in the software or by mistakes of the author establishing these links. I hope to find out the causes soon and remedy the situation.
  | 2003.12.01 New Outline Navigation
  | Finally, after many years of looking around repeatedly, I have found a web device that satisfies my desires and fulfills my technical pretensions: site navigation by outline. As an user of MACs since they are more than playthings and of MORE -- still the most versatile outliner from the 1980s in spite of last being revised in 1991, yet only running in Classic -- I like these triangles to collapse and expand a set of names and their substance in text or image to the effect to have suitable overview whenever involved in details. CircusPonies' NOTEBOOK can do much as MORE did and something more, of course, after so many years, and it is functional and quick. Many thanks to Jayson Adams and Elizabeth Statmore for the fine product and the excellent support. A revision of the appearance of my site, now in its fifth year of existence, is overdue. The fearsome overview matrix is to be substituted after the new outline navigation has proven functional with all the pages revised that need adjustment. For some time both navigation devices will be available in parallel. To my surprise some of my readers say they like that matrix. Some must find it awesome. But it was then in 1998 the only way I could think of to put those of my papers that fit several of my reasonable categories on display where they belong. Categories is one thing; relations in a web is another. I do hope that you find the new navigation as easy and comfortable as I do after some experience to click you to the things you want to go. Feedback is welcome! I have first been thinking of the outline in the left frame of a set, the right frame being used for the helpers, the @lists in particular, whereas the papers would appear in their own window. So navigation would always be present while studying any one or more of the papers. But the uncertain future of frames in the web standards together with some complication in coding have brought me to decide to present all pages in their own and each one in a new window. So the navigation outline can remain during a session while papers may come and go.